
Jennifer Dinkel
Robert-Koch-Straße 38
72766 Reutlingen


Content Responsibility According to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Jennifer Dinkel, Robert-Koch-Straße 38, 72766 Reutlingen

This imprint also applies to the following online presences:

Dispute Resolution

Responsible consumer arbitration body:For disputes arising from contractual relationships with consumers, the Ombudsstelle of the Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau e.V. (BDF), Flutgraben 2, 53604 Bad Honnef, is responsible. Mitunsaufreisen participates in the dispute resolution process with consumers at the BDF’s Ombudsstelle. The link to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform is:

Errors, omissions, and technical changes are excepted. This also applies to all other internet pages linked to via hyperlink. Mitunsaufreisen is not responsible for the content of any internet pages accessed through such links.

Image Rights
The use of images (photo & video), as well as texts from Mitunsaufreisen, is not permitted without explicit consent and written approval.

The copyright for all images and texts on this blog is 100% owned by Mitunsaufreisen.

If we detect unauthorized use of our images or texts, we will take legal action.